Many lovers of Cuban Cigars will have been bitterly disappointed this February to have been forced to miss the annual Habanos festival, a now legendary celebration of the best cigars...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
There is no doubt that Cuban Cigar Website is, and has been for many years now, the reference point for most cigar aficionados around the globe. Never has a website been more...
Every year devotees of Cuban Cigars around the world keenly seek out rare and collectable cigars for Habanos SA’s successful Edición Regional programme. Since 2005 distributors around the world have...
By Nick Hendry. The world of hip-hop is one where luxury and the finer things in life are prized, and where being seen enjoying fine Cuban Cigars is a symbol...
Parque Central in Havana, Cuba. It’s been a while since our last blog post and we must apologise to our dear readers for taking such a long break. It goes...
EXCLUSIVE. RARE. REGIONAL EDITION. In 2011, Habanos reintroduced an age-old brand 'La Escepcion' – a brand that was discontinued in 1989 with the La Escepcion Selectos Finos Cigar (Ex. Italia 2011). With...