Without tasting the cigar, is there a way to analyse whether it is a good quality Cuban cigar? Certainly, to an extent. If you are physically selecting or purchasing from...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Without a doubt, cigar lounges are havens for Cuban cigar enthusiasts. What’s better than being surrounded by like-minded individuals who can enjoy a smoke with you? Cigar lounges are excellent...
As Cuban cigar lovers, many of us tend to smoke a stick of tobacco every day - but of course - unless you have the budget, burning a Cohiba cigar every day just...
Aficionados, we’re sure you hear the terms light, medium and full, time and time again when choosing your next Cuban cigar. They’re used to describe the strength and the flavour of...
In this blog post, we are going to be giving our readers an insight into Cohiba; the brand is considered by many to be the most successful of all cigar...
Thick Cuban Cigars have been rising in popularity over the years - and it shows no signs of stopping. It’s hard to imagine that about a decade or two ago,...