Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

Why You Should Try Cigar Samplers

Why You Should Try Cigar Samplers

Robusto Cigar Sampler. Cuban Cigar Samplers have become a very popular concept. There are many aficionados that are opting to purchase Cuban Cigars in this ‘sampler’ format as opposed to...

Why do we Celebrate with Cigars? EGM

Why do we Celebrate with Cigars?

Cuban cigars have been made a worldwide phenomenon for centuries. Since then cigars have been integrated into Western culture as a symbol of celebration and victory. From weddings and the birth...

Beginners Guide to Selecting Your First Cigar. EGM

Beginners Guide to Selecting Your First Cigar

Here’s one for our friends who are at the very beginning of their Cuban cigars journey – you have one hell of an exciting road ahead of you! We know that when...