It’s a true tragedy when you spot an injured solider tucked away in your cigar humidor. We feel for any aficionado who goes through the heart-break of noticing a crack or split in...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
As Cuban cigar lovers, many of us tend to smoke a stick of tobacco every day - but of course - unless you have the budget, burning a Cohiba cigar every day just...
Aficionado's, we're sure that you have had the experience of your Cuban Cigars burning out at least once. Maybe it was because of distraction, or just the way you lit...
We all have flashbacks of our Grandfather puffing away on a Cuban cigar whilst working out in the yard, getting his daily chores done. Or if not you cannot deny the admiration...
Nothing is better than sinking in to a soft, leather couch with a Cuban cigar in one hand and a glass of the finest single malt whiskey on the other....
The hustle and bustle of life nowadays means that many of us are on-the-go for much of our time. Many Cuban cigars are simply meant for a time of relaxation and need...