Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

Why Are Cigars a Symbol of Success. EGM Cigars

Why Are Cigars a Symbol of Success?

If there’s one thing for sure - Cuban cigars have certainly become a well-established symbol of success and luxury. Although, many may wonder - where has this universal ideology appeared from? Well,...

The Simplest Things

The Simplest Things

Amidst the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, one can find refuge in the present moment. Escape into the winding canals of the city, promenade through the elegant cafes and perhaps,...

Cigars in Movie: A Powerful Prop. EGM Cigars

Cigars in Movies: A Powerful Prop

The use of Cuban cigars in movies is never-ending! There are plenty of iconic scenes and characters in Hollywood that have involved the great commodity. Although it’s more than just a prop...

Rum and Cuban Cigars: The Perfect Pair. EGM Cigars

Rum and Cuban Cigars: The Perfect Pair

Cuba is the home to plenty of great things – and two of those things happen to be rum and Cuban cigars. These both complimentary of each other and when put...