In the build up to the Habano Festival, cigar forums, humidors, and social media channels are often rife with rumours of which new cigars Habanos S.A. are set to release. It’s a hotbed of wild as well as educated guesses, aficionados who have received “leaks” and long-scheduled drops that are a case of when rather than if. As always, we’ve scoured all corners of the internet to give you an overview of what may (or may not) be in store for the 23rd Habano Festival, which takes place at the end of this month.
- Partagás’ "Línea Maestra": Domines (154mm x 46), Eminences (168mm x 52) and Expertos (132mm x 56)
- H. Upmann Magnum Finite Edición Limitada (130mm x 53)
- Ramon Allones Absolutes Edición Limitada (162mm x 47)
- Trinidad Cabildos Edición Limitada (156mm x 49)
- Bolivar New Gold Medal LCDH Exclusive (165mm x 48)
- Montecristo Brillantes Lunar New Year Celebration (128mm x 53)
First up is Partagás’ Línea Maestra, a premium line composed of three cigars: Domines (154mm x 46), Eminences (168mm x 52), Expertos (132mm x 56). It’s always an exciting moment when a premium line comes about, as they are often created in relatively small numbers and become immediately sought after. Speaking of, there are three Edición Limitadas that have piqued our collective interests: H. Upmann are set to produce the Magnum Finite, which measures at 130mm x 53 ring gauge. Ramon Allones Absolutes is another elegant number at 162mm x 47 ring gauge, and something I’m personally excited about: Trinidad’s Cabildos (156mm x 49 ring gauge).
Bolivar never do things by half measures, so naturally the New Gold Medal is going to be something that cigar lovers around the world will be eager to try, especially as they are set to be exclusive to La Casa del Habano locations. Finally, Montecristo’s Lunar New Year celebration will culminate in the Brillantes. A cigar measuring 128mm x 53, it’s safe to say there’s a lot to get excited about.
Well, at least until Habanos S.A. announce the price points…