by Nick Hendry The vast range of Cuban cigars is filled with special releases and Limited Editions which excite and delight collectors. Commemorative creations, regional exclusives and aged Reservas fly...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
by Rikesh ChauhanThere’s a reason the process of ageing is synonymous with quality. As the old adage goes, the best things are born from it. The year on a bottle...
by Nick Hendry Some of the most popular and collectable Cuban cigars are those rolled as Regional Editions. First introduced in 2005, with a handful of Punch and Ramon Allones...
by Nick Hendry Last week, the eyes of the Cuban Cigar world were trained on the Wanda Metropolitano in Madrid as the sole Limited Edition for 2020, the Partagas Legado,...
by Nick Hendry Probably the most popular occasion for a Cuban cigar is after a fine meal, usually in the evening. This is the moment when the work is done,...
by Nick Hendry Golf and Cuban cigars are passions that have gone hand-in-hand for many years. Every day, thousands of people across the world head to a links or parkland...