Besides being popular for their flavours, Cuban Cigars are widely known for producing plenty of exceptional aromas. In particular, these aromas are responsible for making habanos an excellent pair to many beverages, drinks, spirits, or even foods. Nonetheless, there is one pairing that each cigar smoker does, either intentionally or unintentionally, and that's the one between cigars and perfume. Both of them being products of plentiful aromas, an aficionado's fragrance should always be paired thoughtfully with their habano choice. With that been said, in today’s article we touch on the ways that cigars and perfume connect, discussing all the key factors that an aficionado need to keep in mind for a successful cigar and perfume pairing.
FINDING BALANCE – All types of pairings require the right balance between each counterpart. Especially with cigars, aficionados need to be extra cautious on maintaining that balance in order to enhance the flavours and aromas of their habano and, hence, maximise their overall smoking experience. In relation to pairing cigars with perfume, there are two different paths that can help a smoker achieve a well-balanced combination. On the one hand, there is contrast, where the aromas of your cigar must be different and distinct from the ones of your fragrance while, on the other hand, a successful cigar and perfume pairing can, also, be acquired through harmony in which case the aromas of both products are of the same strength and blend smoothly together. The results of each of the above combinations differ massively from one another. When proceeding with a harmonious cigar and perfume pairing, the outcome is a smooth and enticing experience of well-balanced aromas. Contrariwise, a contrast inspired pairing will create an impactful smoke, perfect for those who want to make an impression to everyone around them.
Despite the importance of balancing the aromas, duration should, also, be taken into consideration when pairing cigars with fragrance. Short Cuban Cigars Online will usually make a dissatisfying pair since they fail to provide enough time for the aromas to properly reveal and, thus, blend together with the fragrance. Nonetheless, longer smokes can be an ideal pair to most perfumes, since their longlasting smoke will make cigar aficionados dissolve in the aromas of both the habano and fragrance. A long cigar that can certainly make an excellent pair to a number of perfumes, the Montecristo Churchills Anejados Cigar measures at 178 mm in length by a 47 ring gauge. Coming in a Julieta No. 2 vitola, the Anejados puro delivers a medium to full flavoured profile - one of the best habanos to ever come from Montecristo Cigars.
Left: Pairing a Bolivar Short Bolivar (Ex. Andorra 2017) Cigar with a Chivas Regal 25-year-old whiskey at The Hari, Right: Pairing a Montecristo Dantes Edicion Limitada 2016 Cigar with White Tea at The Lanesborough.
ALTERING SMELL – From wrists to around the neck, we all wear perfume on different parts of our body. However, doing so, we run the risk of carrying the scent of the fragrance on our hands, and especially palms, throughout the day, something that can be disastrous for every cigar aficionado. Hands, palms, and fingers are very important during the smoking ritual as they should always be odourless and fragrance-free, ready to hold a fine habano, like any from Hoyo de Monterrey or Ramon Allones Cigars. To elaborate, as you bring your habano close to your lips to enjoy a good puff, your fingers will eventually be close to your nose and, hence, there is a chance that your fragrance will overpower the aromas of your smoke, damaging your overall smoking experience. To avoid such a tragedy, you should either make sure that your hands are fragrance-free or find the right perfume to pair with your cigar. Known as an excellent pair to the Ferrari Red fragrance, the Hoyo de Monterrey Petit Robusto Cigar is an exception to the rule that short smokes do not go well with perfume. The Petit Robusto vitola comes in 102 mm long by a ring gauge of 50 and delivers a mild and light flavoured profile, typical of Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars.
ABSORBING AROMAS – As we discussed on our recent blog post, Cuban Cigars as Organic Products, habanos are products made entirely out of natural ingredients. Like all organic products, cigars absorb aromas through their leaves, something that can alter both their aromas and flavours. That been said, when a smoker’s fingers carry the scent of a perfume - and especially one that does not go well with their chosen cigar - its aromas can be absorbed by the tobacco leaves and, as a result, influence the flavours of the habano, leaving the smoker with a bitter aftertaste. Therefore, always be cautious when choosing which perfume to wear as it needs to complement your smoke instead of damaging it. A match made in heaven, the aromas of the Cohiba Siglo II Cigar go incredibly well with the Guerlain Homme L’Eau perfume. Part of the Cohiba’s Linea 1492, the Siglo II measures at 129 mm long by a ring gauge of 42 and is capable of providing any cigar aficionado with over an hour of pure smoking experience, making this regular production smoke equal to any Limited Editions cigar.
Left: Hoyo de Monterrey Petit Robusto Cigar, Right: Cohiba Siglo II Cigar
A combination that not many are aware of, Cuban Cigars make an excellent pair to many perfumes. As we have discussed above, balance is key when pairing habanos with fragrance. Nevertheless, cigar smokers need to be very cautious when pairing their perfume with any from our Cuban Cigars for Sale Online. Why not read more from our Cuban Cigar Blog where we cover everything related to the habanos world?