REVISITED 17/02/2020
There is often the misconception that price is more than just a number when it comes to buying Cuban cigars. Many people assume that the bigger the price tag, the better the quality - however, that’s not always the case. There are so many factors that come into play when it comes to the quality of a good smoke - from the soil the tobacco plant grows in, to the torcedor that rolls it. They’re all things that simply cannot be determined by the price. Overall, an average cigar smoker is unable to spend a huge amount of their monthly salary for the sake of smoking premium cigars on a daily basis. That’s where cheap Cuban cigars appear to save the day. As great in quality and construction as any premium stick, here are the best five low-cost cigars, all of which ranging below $10.
MONTECRISTO NO.4 - A classic choice for cigar smokers - the Montecristo No.4 Cigar is guaranteed to please. Featuring the Marevas vitola, one of the most popular formats and a typical Habanos shape, it measures at 129 mm in length by a 42 ring gauge. This smoke is capable of producing plenty of deep and strong flavours, characteristic of Montecristo Cigars. You can grab these at a great price of $8.91 per stick.
RAFAEL GONZALEZ PERLAS - The Rafael Gonzalez Perlas Cigar is a choice suitable for all types of cigar smokers. The smoothness of this puro reflects its brilliant construction while its flavoured profile is light yet complex - making the Perlas extra special. Coming in at 102 mm in length by a ring gauge of 40, these short cigars are perfect to enjoy in between meeting, your lunch-break, or when the time is of the essence. One of the most affordable vitolas you’ll find in our selection of premium smokes, you can make the Rafael Gonzalez Perlas cigar yours only for £4.55 each.
ROMEO Y JULIETA NO.2 - The next spot on the list has to go to the Romeo y Julieta No.2 Cigar. Handmade using the finest tobacco leaves - it features a Petit Coronas vitola, reaching a size of 120mm by a 45 ring gauge. It promised a medium-bodied flavour profile, just as you’d expect from Romeo y Julieta Cigars - making it perfect for all types of smokers. You can get this smoke at a considerable price of $7.42 per stick.
BOLIVAR PETIT CORONAS - Providing the smoker with approximately 40 minutes of smoking, the Bolivar Petit Coronas Cigar is a flavour-filled powerhouse. Sporting the Marevas format - it measures at 129mm by a 42 ring gauge. The full-bodied smoke is just $8.41 per cigar.
PARTAGAS SERIE D NO.6 - The Partagas Serie D No.6 Cigar is part of the much-loved ‘D’ series by Partagas Cigars. With a slightly smaller length of 90mm and a ring gauge 50 - it’s the perfect go-to cigar when you’re running short on time. You can get this bad boy for $9.88.
There you have it! 5 great cigars that won’t break the bank - without compromising quality. As we said before, there are so many things to consider when it comes to the quality of the cigar, never be fooled as to thinking the huge price tag will guarantee the smoking experience you are after.
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