Pickup available at Headquarter Balerna
Usually ready in 24 hours
The Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto is a bold and complex cigar crafted entirely from Nicaraguan tobacco, delivering a full-bodied smoking experience that reflects the richness of Nicaragua’s volcanic soil. Measuring 127 mm in length with a 50-ring gauge, this Robusto format provides a perfectly balanced smoke, ideal for those who enjoy the intense flavours of premium Nicaraguan tobacco. The blend consists of carefully aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder, and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, each contributing to the cigar’s robust profile. Expect rich notes of pepper, roasted coffee, and earth, underpinned by hints of dark chocolate and spice. As the smoke progresses, these flavours deepen, offering a dynamic and evolving experience from start to finish. Perfectly constructed for an even burn and smooth draw, the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto is designed for seasoned aficionados who seek a cigar with complexity and depth. Whether enjoyed as a standalone indulgence or paired with a fine spirit, this cigar delivers a memorable and satisfying smoke every time.