A large part of the appeal of Cuban cigars is their heritage. Being able to look back on such an illustrious history of quality gives us assurance that we are choosing the best product available, but also allows us a nostalgic glimpse of the beauty of days gone by. It was exactly this nostalgia that Habanos was SA was stuck by when the announced their Línea Retro, featuring among its offerings the Partagas Capitols.
The Partagas Capitols – like the Romeo y Julieta Club Kings and H. Upmann Regalias, the rest of the Línea Retro – are Mareva-sized cigars (5 ⅛ inches by 42 ring gauge) presented in a stylish metal tin. The tins are an elegant touch, a charming 70s aesthetic which reminds us of a golden age of cigar smoking, but also serves a very practical purpose. The cigars will smoke for about 35-40 minutes; the tins will keep them (and any similar sticks you wish to replace them with afterwards) protected for far longer.
The Linea Retro are presented in stylish tins.
Construction: 8/10
- There was a bit of a rough grain to the wrapper of the cigar, giving it a slightly rustic feel, but the roll and fill quality were excellent.
Draw: 10/10
- From start to finish this cigar drew perfectly. An absolute joy.
Combustion: 10/10
- Like the draw, the burn was perfect. Never deviating from straight, smouldering gently on its own when left in the ashtray.
The Partagas Capitols produce a fine ash
Ash: 4/5
- Slightly grey and a little flaky, but generally very good.
Smoke: 4/5
- A bit on the thin side at certain moments, but soon warmed up and filled the terrace with aromatic clouds.
Flavour: 22/25
- Rich and full from the start, just as one would expect from Partagas. The body was full and the strength impressive, especially considering the smaller vitola. I paired it with some strong black coffee on a warm afternoon, and the 2 went together beautifully.
Overall: 31/35
- When first released, the Línea Retro tins were seen by some as a bit of a gimmick. They have, however, become highly collectable and affectionately looked upon by aficionados, as they contain wonderful cigars and have a beautiful look to them. A little whimsy and nostalgia are welcome sometimes, and these tins provide just that.
These cigars will pair equally well with a coffee or a cocktail.
Final Score: 89/100
- I really enjoy the look of the Línea Retro packaging, and the tins will remain in my collection long after they have been emptied. The Partagas Capitols are more than just their packaging, however, and have plenty of flavour to enjoy. The first third was immediately full of body; thick smoke with an opulent mouthfeel and delicious alternating notes of leather and oak. The flavours were rich and robust from the outset. As the burn moved into the middle third the leather and wood both intensified, but were now joined by a spicy chili aftertaste on the tip of the palette. The final third became even more rich than the first, long notes of coffee and spice joining the peppery kick and warming up my afternoon. A wonderful choice for a blast of strength in the middle of the day.