We're excited to share some fantastic news with our cigar-loving community. Our EGM Cigars have recently received outstanding recognition from one of the industry's most respected publications, Cigar Journal. In...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
The world of cigars, vast and alluring, can seem daunting to those seeking to embark on this refined pursuit. However, fear not, for we have curated a guide to help...
One of the largest cigars in the Aladino stable is named for the great Smoking Statesman and adorned with a beautiful Connecticut wrapper, but is it any good? We asked...
Honduran cigars are the latest to grace the EGM repertoire, so we asked Nick Hendry to run the rule over a few of our favourites. First up, the Aladino Corojo Reserva...
An aged Cuban cigar is a always a treat, but when it is a rare Regional Edition from more than 10 years ago there is something extra-special about the experience. ...
Nick Hendry takes another look at the Por Larrañaga Galanes to see how age is affecting one of the most eagerly-awaited new releases of recent times.