by Nick Hendry
Photography by Rikesh Chauhan
That Cuban cigars are the best on the market is a widely-held opinion. The unparalleled complexity of flavour and the long, illustrious history of the brands are second to none. Their greatness, as well as offering a superb product for us to enjoy, serves as motivation for the rest of the cigar-producing world to innovate, evolve and improve in order to create cigars that can be considered viable alternatives to the Cuban pinnacle. One brand which can be considered among the best of these ‘New World’ alternatives is Davidoff.
Davidoff cigars have been delighting smokers since 1968, but the association of the name with fine tobacco goes back significantly further. Zino Davidoff was born in 1906 into a Ukrainian tobacconist dynasty, emigrating to Switzerland with his family in 1911. When his time came to assume control the family business he immediately began to develop new standards of excellence for the cigar merchant, travelling to the Caribbean to learn the craft of the farmers and torcedores before installing the world’s first walk-in humidor in his Geneva shop. Cubatabaco approached him with an offer to collaborate on a line of cigars, and a legend was born. The Davidoff Chateau Series saw 5 cigars created and named for Zino’s favourite fine French wines. Today, their rarity and quality sees them hold pride of place in the most extensive collections in the world.
A fistful of fine Davidoff cigars waiting to be enjoyed
The American embargo on Cuban products forced Zino to search for alternative production to satisfy his desire to conquer the US market. His extensive knowledge of, and connections in, the other tobacco-producing nations in Central America and the Caribbean led him to discover a factory in Honduras whose production met his standards. In 1987 a branch of Davidoff of Geneva opened in New York, the first of what is now an extensive line of shops bearing his name across the United States. This knowledge of alternatives to Cuba’s tobacco farms and cigar factories became of even greater value when, in 1989, Zino publicly incinerated around 100,000 cigars delivered to him from El Laguito which he felt were not fit to bear his name. The relationship with Cuba understandably broke down after this display, and the partnership was officially dissolved in 1991.
The production of Davidoff cigars then shifted to the Dominican Republic, and partnership with master blender Hendrik ‘Henke’ Kelner. The Chateau series was re-named Grand Cru, with numbers replacing the names of famous wines for the individual cigars. Over the years since, the partnership between Davidoff and Kelner has resulted in some of the most delicious cigars an aficionado can smoke, along with developments in production and agriculture which are the envy of the industry. Zino Davidoff set exacting standards for anything associated with his family’s legacy right up to his death in 1994, and those standards are proudly maintained today.
Davidoff cigars promise excellent quality, every time
Nowadays Davidoff roll their cigars with a huge range of tobacco from around the world. The resulting blends offer a huge variety to the smoker of strengths, flavour notes and vitolas. The common trait shared by all is the quality of their construction, offering flawless draw, dead-straight burn and finely-packed silver ash from each and every stick.
The Davidoff smoker has a choice available to them for every smoking moment. Whether it be a short smoke to centre the mind at the beginning of day or a long, opulent celebration which lasts into the night, every time one of their cigars is lit will precede time beautifully filled. Here are some of our favourites from their range.
Derived from the original, and now legendary, Cuban Davidoff line, which was named for Zino Davidoff’s favourite fine wines. A little more body than the Signature Blend, but still a fairly mild-bodied option. Wood, earth, cream and velvety cappuccino notes are to be found, in sizes from a petit corona all the way up to the mighty Grand Cru Toro.
The original blend of Dominican Davidoff; mild, creamy and with woody notes that linger on the palette. This series is available in a wide range of sizes, from the brief cigarillo of the Ambassadrice to the robusto-sized Signature 6000. The Davidoff Signature 2000 is their biggest-seller worldwide, while the Signature No. 2 is the exact same size and shape as the iconic Laguito No. 2 vitola.
The swampy soil of the Yamasá region, just north of the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo, was said for years to be impossible to cultivate for tobacco. Henke Kelner is a determined man, however, and after 20 years of trying he and his team finally pulled off the impossible. The Davidoff Yamasa cigars which are the result of his persistence are full-bodied, mingle sharp citrus notes with deep, rich earth and wood, and are a magnificent cigar to end an evening with. A true testament to the man who blended them, and the brand who had the courage to persevere in search of greatness. With these cigars, they have found it.
Time spent with a Davidoff is Time Beautifully Filled
Whichever you choose to enjoy – from the diminutive Aniversario Entreacto to the statuesque Late Hour Churchill – you will find yourself smoking one of the finest cigars in the world. Over 100 years ago Zino Davidoff set out to leave a legacy of true excellence in the world of fine tobacco. He succeeded.