It takes more than finding the best terrace in London to enjoy fine Cuban Cigars this summer. Of course, warm weather, premium drinks, and on-point views are nothing but great...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Even the most clueless about Cuban Cigars are well aware of the excellence that Cohiba Cigars are. From strong and thick smokes to slim and light flavoured cigars, the brand...
Today, Cuban Cigars are considered to be one of the most sought after cigars in the world. As the famous Cigar Aficionado Marvin Shanken puts it, “There is nothing like...
From the cigar enthusiast to the aficionado, there are all sorts of Cigars, capable of fulfilling the needs of each type of smoker out there. Of course, iconic cigars, like the Cohiba...
With Pitti Uomo done and dusted for another year, we are back in London filled with all the style, culture, and urbanity that Florence had to offer. Sharp tailoring, bold...
Second day in Florence for Pitti Uomo and we couldn’t think of a better time to scatter the city for the best lounge, bar, or garden to smoke Cuban Cigars....