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cohiba siglo series available for sale egm cigars

Cohiba Siglo Cigars Available for Sale

Even the most clueless about Cuban Cigars are well aware of the excellence that Cohiba Cigars are. From strong and thick smokes to slim and light flavoured cigars, the brand is no doubt one of the most popular and well-respected cigar manufacturers in the world. From the Cohiba Behike to the Linea Classica, all cigar lines produced from Cohiba are known for their exquisite craftsmanship and unique aromas. One of the most sought after cigar lines in the world, the Cohiba Linea 1492, also known as Siglo series, is available for sale in our Cuban Cigar Shop online.

LINEA 1492 HISTORY - The inspiration behind the creation of the Siglo line is as enticing and fascinating as the cigars themselves. Linea 1492 was introduced in 1992 to commemorate the five hundredth anniversary of Christopher Colombus' arrival on the island of Cuba, the man who was responsible for bringing Cuban cigars to Europe. The cigars' name, Siglo, means century in Spanish while I, II, III, IV, V, and VI are speaking to the true cigar connoisseurs who can truly appreciate their deep and complex flavours.


SIGLO I - First and foremost is no other than the Cohiba Siglo I Cigar. Coming in a Perlas vitola that measures at 102 mm in length by a ring gauge of 40, Siglo I's size makes it the ideal smoke for when the time is of the essence. Despite its small size, the Cohiba Siglo I Cigar delivers plenty of strong aromas, providing the smoker with a smoking experience like no other.

SIGLO II - Many times overlooked, the Cohiba Siglo II Cigar deserves as much attention as its brothers. Handmade using the finest tobacco leaves from Cuba's premium farms in the Vuelta Abajo zone, Siglo II is a great smoke for the cigar beginner and the experienced alike. A much-underappreciated smoke, the Cohiba Siglo II should be inside the humidor of every serious smoker.

SIGLO III - Possibly one of the most popular cigars from Linea 1492, the Cohiba Siglo III Cigar is an all-time classic. Featuring a Corona Grande vitola that comes in 155 mm long by a ring gauge of 42, Siglo III is representative of the brilliance that Cuban Cigars are. Widely known for its smoothness and well-balanced aromas, this fine cigar can provide the aficionado with at least an hour of pleasurable smoke.

cohiba siglo i cuban cigars and cohiba siglo ii cban cigars egm cigars

Left: Cohiba Siglo I cigar, Right: Cohiba Siglo II Cigar


SIGLO IV - Slightly shorter than its predecessor, the Cohiba Siglo IV Cigar delivers a rounded smoke packed with plenty of enticing aromas. Like all Cohiba cigars, Siglo IV is entirely made by hand using only high-quality tobacco leaves from Cuba's most prominent tobacco plantations. Its classic format gives you just the right amount of time to appreciate and enjoy the naturally sourced tobacco used for its creation. All in all, a cigar as good as any Vintage or Limited Edition smokes.

SIGLO V - The most reputable smoke from Linea 1492, the Cohiba Siglo V Cigar has built a strong reputation due to its exceptional flavours. Coming in a gorgeous Dalia vitola, Siglo V measures at 170 mm long by a 43 ring gauge, making it the longest smoke in the Siglo range. Delivering excellent draw and burnability, this cigar has a medium to full flavoured profile, typical of Cohiba cigars, and is capable of providing the smoker with over an hour and a half of pure smoking pleasure.

SIGLO VI - We saved the best for last. Adored by aficionados everywhere, the aromas of the Cohiba Siglo VI Cigar have smokers coming back for more. In a similar way to the rest of the cigars in the Linea 1492, this smoke is handmade using high-quality leaves sourced from tobacco farms in Cuba's Vuelta Abajo zone. Rolled into a Canonazo form, the Siglo VI provides a very memorable smoke, guaranteeing to excite even the most demanding smokers out there.

cohiba siglo iv cuban cigars and cohiba siglo v cuban cigars egm cigars

Left: Cohiba Siglo IV Cigar, Right: Cohiba Siglo V Cigar

From the amateur smoker to the connoisseur, Cohiba's Linea 1492 has a cigar for every type of smoker out there. Visit our Cuban Cigar Shop now and purchase more from our extensive selection of Cuban cigars. Why not learn more about the fascinating world of cigars from our daily updated Cuban Cigar Blog?

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