Whenever fans of Cuban Cigars look for a smoke with a full flavour and aroma, they more often than not will turn to Partagas. Since 1845 the name Partagas has stood across the world for quality and a robust flavour profile that will pair with even the strongest, most flavourful of beverages. This fortitude can confine the enjoyment of the brand being reserved for after dinner, late into the evening and as a larger format, to be savoured over an hour or more. Sometimes, however, we find that we have a craving for the power of Partagas in a short, intense burst – for these moments, we have the Partagas DeLuxe.
The DeLuxe is presented in a smaller format, measuring 40 ring gauge by 5 ½ inches, and is presented in handsome yellow tubes, protecting the wrapper while in your pocket and making it perfect for the smoker on the go. It will offer around 30 minutes of enjoyment – perfect for a quick pause in the middle of the day.
The Partagas DeLuxe is protected by its tube, in the livery of the brand.
Construction: 9/10
- This cigar had a slight rustic grain to the wrapper and a lovely colorado colour. The fill was healthy and even all the way down the body.
Draw: 10/10
- Each puff produced fantastic amounts of smoke, fragrant and flavoursome. The entire duration of the cigar required no effort to draw, but never burned too quickly.
Combustion: 10/10
- No deviation from a straight burn, and the perfect rate of smouldering for maximum enjoyment.
Ash clung to the end of the cigar well
Ash: 4/5
- The ash was a dark grey colour, holding to the end of the cigar fairly well and dropping off around 1cm at a time.
Smoke: 5/5
- Lashings of smoke flowed from each end of the cigar, filling the room with their sweet aroma.
Flavour: 20/25
- From the outset I felt the trademark full body of this famous house, although it was not as pronounced as that of the Serie D line. Herbaceous and woody at different points, and enjoyable throughout.
Overall: 30/35
- This was a fine cigar, if perhaps not quite to the high standard expected of Partagas. This is not to say it was a disappointment – the flavours were enjoyable and the construction superb. A wonderful way to fill half an hour.
This was a fine half-hour spent with the Partagas DeLuxe
Final Score: 88/100
- Partagas are a brand I often keep for special occasions, the final course of a hearty meal in order to fully appreciate their potent strength. This vitola is an alternative avenue to enjoy the blend, a quick blast of flavour paired with a strong black coffee. The first third brought the strength immediately, notes of oak wood and grass alternating across my palette. Through the middle third oak gave way to cedar, along with raw cinnamon, which was joined in fleeting bursts by hints of black tea. These gave way to full-on black pepper in the final third of the smoke, rounding the moment off perfectly.