One of the most enthralling aspects of Cuban cigars is their ability to age. Sticks kept in a humidor, carefully preserved at the correct temperature and humidity, will mature wonderfully. Nicotine levels will gradually lower, complexity will rise; flavours will marinade and infuse and blend together to make an even richer expression of the brand’s profile than when they were first rolled. It’s a fascinating element of being a collector, allowing us to widen our knowledge of fine Cuban tobacco by experimenting and discovering how our favourite brands develop over time. One of my favourite brands and cigars is the Cohiba Siglo I.
Around a year ago I reviewed a Siglo I Tubos for the EGM Blog. It scored highly, as one would expect from the flagship brand, so revisiting the batch after a year to see the development seemed like an interesting idea. The 40 ring gauge by 4 inches Perlas vitola smoked for another 25 minutes, and was even more enjoyable than last time round.
Construction: 8/10
- A colorado wrapper is always a nice sight, but a pretty rough grain to this example was a little worrying. There were no hard spots along the body.
Draw: 10/10
- Each puff was perfect, pure and simple.
Combustion: 10/10
- The burn was gentle and even, never needed touched up and never went out when I put it down. Again, perfect.
Ash: 4/5
- Slightly flaky, and slightly grey, but nothing of great disappointment.
Smoke: 5/5
- When such a small cigar produces such impressive plumes of smoke it is always a treat. Plentiful, aromatic, and flavourful.
Flavour: 23/25
- This stick does not last too long, but is packed with flavour. Rich, warm and complex throughout.
Overall: 32/35
- It was on a Sunday evening after a considerable roast dinner that I enjoyed this cigar, and the setting was perfect. The flavours were the ideal dessert for after my big meal and the relatively short length suited the fact that post-prandial sleepiness was about to set in. Usually I would have this stick mid-morning with a cappuccino – I may have discovered an entirely new deployment for it.
Final Score: 92/100
The score for the previous review was an already impressive 89, but the improvement this time round was clear to see. The initial third was deep and earthy, notes of warm leather arriving with the earth to toast the palette early on. Quickly into the middle third, as the cigar is so diminutive, and the leather remained but intensified, black pepper beginning to arrive as the smoke grew warmer. The final third saw rich oak and toasted hazelnut replace the leather, while the black pepper tingle grew with every puff. It is not easy to improve on excellence, but an aged Cohiba cigar certainly manages it.