Both made using tobacco leaves, Cuban Cigars and cigarettes, although they share a few similarities, they are widely considered as antagonistic products. What is it that make these two tobacco-based products so distinctively different...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
It's almost impulsive for many aficionados to instantly check the date stamped to their newly purchased Habanos – the most knowledgeable will know how that the date will affect the...
Alcohol can surely enhance your smoking experience. In the past, we have talked about pairing Cuban Cigars with whiskey, rum, or spirits. However, when it comes to champagne, aficionados still...
With British summertime coming into full swing, it is the time of year where everyone starts packing their bags and jetting off on their long-awaited summer vacation. Soaking up some...
The ritual of smoking Cuban Cigars is not simply associated with the pleasure of the smoke. It's a celebration of the senses and a symbol of lifestyle. From cigar legend Winston Churchill...
The last day of Amigos de Partagas, the most popular Cuban Cigars event in Europe, was more than we could ever imagine. After a late finish to La Gozadera at approximately...