There’s no doubt that there is somewhat an established culture among powerful men and Cuban cigar smoking. I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that there is an...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
To be considered a seasoned cigar aficionado, you should have successfully gained the ability to distinguish distinct flavours and notes from a puff of smoke. Being an avid Cuban Cigar enthusiast, you...
Each cigar aficionado has their own way of holding a Cuban Cigar. Most of the time, we don’t give it a second thought as it comes subconsciously. However, there will always...
As you aficionados will know, Cuban cigars have been somewhat a global phenomenon for a while now. There was a point in time where London was labelled the smoking capital...
Known to many aficionados all over the world, there has always been a relationship between smoking Cuban Cigars and the world of refined fashion. To many cigar novices, it can...
Most aficionados will know that a brand new Humidor is a no place for a Cuban Cigars to rest! “Why?”, you ask. Cedar is often part of the humidification device...