Without tasting the cigar, is there a way to analyse whether it is a good quality Cuban cigar? Certainly, to an extent. If you are physically selecting or purchasing from...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
We can all agree that puffing away on a Cuban cigar is quite possibly one of life’s finest pleasures. The Cuban cigar world is full of so many great experiences and we...
Although we’re sure you aficionados can full appreciate the unforgettable experience cigar-smoking provides – we know many people are left wondering why they’re so different to other tobacco products. Several...
Visiting a cigar lounge is truly a magical experience. Nothing beats being surrounded by other cigar aficionados, as well as having a wide selection of Cuban cigars and alcohol to...
Aficionados, your trick or treating days may be over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get in the Halloween spirit. Whether you have a party to go to this weekend...
Without a doubt, cigar lounges are havens for Cuban cigar enthusiasts. What’s better than being surrounded by like-minded individuals who can enjoy a smoke with you? Cigar lounges are excellent...