by Nick Hendry Romeo y Julieta have been producing Cuban cigars since the mid-1850s, and have had a vitola named after their most famous devotee since the 1950s. Such was...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
by Nick Hendry Regulations, and changing social conventions, in most nations have made Cuban cigar smoking in the 21st century a mainly outdoor pursuit. While this may be fairly easy to...
by Nick Hendry Cuban cigars are not the only luxury product for which one nation is considered a league apart from its competitors for sheer excellence. French champagne is considered...
By Rikesh Chauhan Sometimes, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get things done. With the world getting back into full swing, you may be in a position...
by Nick Hendry There are 2 brands of Cuban cigars which hold the honour of having been created to showcase the best of Havana to visiting dignitaries. The first is,...
by Nick Hendry The vast range of Cuban cigars is filled with special releases and Limited Editions which excite and delight collectors. Commemorative creations, regional exclusives and aged Reservas fly...