Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

Cigar Vixen - women smoking Cuban cigar

Cigar Vixen: A Female Cigar Smoker's Idol

Cigar Vixen, otherwise known as Delicia Silva, is a sensation in the cigar world who has rated some of the best cigars for sale. Since starting her multi-hyphen career as a...

London Cuban cigars blog

The Best Places To Smoke Cuban Cigars in London

London is one of the most visited cities in the world, coming in short after Bangkok and Hong Kong. It is multicultural and multifaceted which means its very good at accommodating...

Pint of beer with bottle

A Guide To Pairing Cuban Cigars with Beer

We’ve seen lots of Cuban cigars for sale being paired with whiskey over and over again and that’s not to say such pairings aren’t a match made in heaven, but after seeing...

Unique cigar ashtrays and Cuban cigar accessories Colibra, Montecristo, Cohiba and Romeo Y Julieta

Cuban Cigar Ashtrays: Our Top Picks

Summer evenings means more nights spent socialising with friends and family. With lighter nights and longer days, you’re able to host for a big group of people, holding parties and...