There’s nothing quite like kicking the New Year off with some fine Cuban cigars. Fortunately, we have a massive restock featuring some of your favourites from Montecristo, Partagàs, Ramón Allones and more.
Beginning with Montecristo, the brand’s cigars are completely handmade, with all their tobacco grown in the famous Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. The quality of these smokes is top notch, and many would say reaches the bar Cohiba has set for brands in today’s market. Due to popular demand, we’re delighted to reintroduce some of their big hitters in time for the New Year. The Montecristo Edmundo is not only a quality smoke, but one that comes recommended by cigar aficionado and Editor-in-Chief of The Rake, Tom Chamberlin. Why this cigar specifically, Chamberlain says, “because it’s light enough that you can bear it but big enough that people feel like they’re smoking a cigar. There’s a real culture of smoking, stogies, you know what I mean? And if you pick an Edmundo, it’s a really super introduction to cigar smoking.”
Tom Chamberlin, Editor-in-Chief of The Rake
The Edmundo is named after the hero of Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo, and the cigar is truly a hero itself. Featuring an Edmundo vitola, it is a medium- to full-bodied Cuban cigar which delivers bold flavours of cedar, cinnamon and spices. “There’s also the Petit Edmundo if you want something just as good, but a little more, well, petite.” An exemplary Petit Edmundo vitola, this cigar is less complex than its sibling, but you can still expect a similar flavour palette of chocolate, wood and black pepper. Another marquee smoke is the No. 2, a quintessential Montecristo and a favourite for cigar aficionados the world over. Rich and bold in flavour, it’s a must-have along with its companion, the Petit No. 2.
The Montecristo No. 2 cigar
A cigar that we at EGM feel is slightly underrated, the Cuaba Divinos cigar is one of the smaller sizes from Cuaba. If you're on the hunt for the perfect mid-afternoon smoke, you may have met your match. Rolled into the double figurado format, this Cuban cigar comes in at 101mm by a 43 ring gauge. Another which goes a long way due to the nature in which it should be smoked, is the Culebras by Partagàs. A truly unique cigar, three sticks are beautifully intertwined with one another with the intention to be shared. The story goes that they formed this shape to prevent Partagàs employees from selling to the black market – however, this is hearsay! We’ll never know the true story behind this shape, but it makes a great story to tell the friends you’re smoking with nonetheless. Sticking with Partagàs, the Serie E No. 2, Serie D No. 4 and Serie D No. 6 cigars complete the set of Partagàs restocks. The former is a full-bodied smoke, instantly recognisable due to its Duke vitola, delivering a rich and aromatic flavour. The latter cigars are also full-bodied, providing complex and powerful flavours and a wonderful experience for the smoker, whichever they choose.
Luis Javier Lastre García and the Ramón Allones Specially Selected
Finally, and one we expect to fly back out of stock, is the Ramón Allones Specially Selected. Highly regarded by Tom Chamberlin once more, as well as sommelier Giuliano Santilli, the Specially Selected is a must-try smoke. Staying true to the Ramón Allones DNA, it is a full-bodied smoke with notes of coffee, marzipan and citrus — one not to miss in 2022.