Known to many aficionados all over the world, there has always been a relationship between smoking Cuban Cigars and the world of refined fashion. To many cigar novices, it can...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Most aficionados will know that a brand new Humidor is a no place for a Cuban Cigars to rest! “Why?”, you ask. Cedar is often part of the humidification device...
To gain aficionado status, you need to master the art of cutting Cuban cigars. Preparing your cigar to smoke is not as simple as pulling it out, sparking it up...
There are so many words that can be used to describe Cuban Cigars; experience, knowledge, manufacture, finesse. However, there's an aspect of habanos that stays well hidden to this day....
Alcohol can surely enhance your smoking experience. In the past, we have talked about pairing Cuban Cigars with whiskey, rum, or spirits. However, when it comes to champagne, aficionados still...
With British summertime coming into full swing, it is the time of year where everyone starts packing their bags and jetting off on their long-awaited summer vacation. Soaking up some...