The collecting of Cuban Cigars is a passion which offers a world of variety to the enthusiast. The myriad options available for us to smoke are diverse in terms of...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
by Nick Hendry. Some Cuban Cigars are made in a size and shape that is popular across all marcas and all smokers. All aficionados will be familiar with the slim...
by Nick Hendry Since 1901 the name of Bolivar has been proudly stamped on some of the finest Cuban Cigars available. Named for the great liberator of South America and...
by Nick Hendry The 500 years of history and tradition associated with Cuban Cigars is often discussed, and is likely an important factor in the trust afforded to Cuban puros...
by Nick Hendry photography by Monica MoltoModel - Malena Rivalta The fashion for Cuban Cigars in the modern age tends towards large cigars, perfect for an hour or more of...
By Nick Hendry Of all the Cuban Cigars on the market nowadays few are as revered by aficionados as the Ramon Allones Specially Selected. The storied history of the brand...