Every serious cigar aficionado should have a cellar fully stocked with an array of Cuban cigars, not just for himself, but for his guests too. The cigars in any Gentleman’s cellar should respectfully include a variety of vitolas so that they are able to accommodate for every taste and preference.
The Mareva vitola also known as the Petit Corona measures at 129mm in length by a 42 ring gauge and became very popular during the 20th century. In fact it was the most popular formatted cigar in the world and many cigar smokers preferred its shape to any other format. With this demand, rose the need to be an expert torcedor at rolling the Marevas and many brands created a large number of them to meet this increasing demand. Therefore, you can expect that any of the cigars online in the shape of a Marevas will be of fantastic quality and expertly made.
One such cigar which proved to be, at one point, the most popular cigar on the market was the Montecristo No.4 and still to this day it is still chosen over many others. Nevertheless, over the course of time preferences have changed and different trends have arisen. An example of this is evident in the last twenty years, where there has been a significant rise in people’s demands for cigars with thicker ring gauges. In fact, a poll was taken by Cigar Aficionado in 2002 and it found that 73% of cigar smokers smoke ‘fat’ cigars’ which is quite a substantial amount.
Despite this though, the marevas vitola is still very much popular today, proving the shape of choice in this fast paced world we live in. Let’s take a look at some of our favourites:
Montecristo No.4 Cigar
The Montecristo No.4 Cigar is a fantastic cigar and should be in every aficionado’s humidor. Consistently considered a favourite amongst many smokers, it is a cigar a lot of people come back to time and time again. Being the biggest selling Habanos in the world, it is obviously packed full of flavour, giving the smoker a lush and smooth smoke all with just under an hour smoking time, perfect for during lunch hours.
Cohiba Siglo II Cigar
The Siglo II from Cohiba Cuban cigars had to be included in our list of Marevas vitolas. It is a wonderful little smoke which delivers medium bodied flavours in this exquisite format. Arguably the best Petit Coronas on the market today, Cohiba Siglo II is one cigar we expect will be popular for a very long time. It is complex and smooth all at once, making it perfect for someone easing themselves into the brand or those who simply want to taste the brand’s exquisite flavours without committing themselves to two hours of smoking.
Bolivar Petit Coronas Cigar
These full bodied cigars are surprisingly strong for a petit coronas vitola, nevertheless very popular amongst smokers who enjoy fuller flavoured cigars. We highly recommend this cigar after a hearty meal and with a glass of deep red wine. One should expect rich, earthy tones balanced by its coffee and cacao flavours.
Partagas Petit Coronas Especiales Cigar
As is customary of Partagas cigars, the Petit Coronas Especiales delivers particularly punchy flavours. It’s rich profile keeps balanced with kicks of pepper and plenty of earth and nutty flavours present, making it a very popular cigar indeed. Its versatile smoking time means that it can be smoked during any time of the day and enjoyed anywhere.