Celebrating brand distributor Camelot's 25th anniversary, respected Cuban cigars brand Ramon Allones have mastered a regional edition, luxurious cigar, using fine leaves from Cuba's Vuelta Abajo district.
With a length of 155mm and a ring gauge of 50, the Terra Magica is a splendid after dinner delight, satisfying a smoker with over an hour worth of pleasure. Flavours of wood and cedar are infused with oak and notes of fig, to forge the cigar's medium strength.
There is no other country that will ever be able to rival the heritage, quality and taste of a cigar like a Habano. Since King Phillip II of Spain, Cuban cigars have been diligently crafted. The land couldn't be more impeccable for tobacco crops, and the farmers are first-rate trained. Smoking this Terra Magica Cigar, is indulging in centuries of art.
Established in 1837, Ramon Allones is synonymous with a long-standing reputation of trust. Over a century later, the flavoursome tobacco blend discovered by the founder, is still loved and used in product today. All cigar aficionado's are aware of Ramon Allones as a pioneering and top Cuban cigar brand.
Distributor Camelot, (created in 1992) were the first to sell cigars in Croatia. The regional Ramon Allones Terra Magica Cigar is exclusively released to countries in the Adriatico Region, which alongside Croatia, includes Montenegro, Italy and Slovenia.
Wrapped in an opulent wooden slide box, a limited production of only 6,000 boxes with 10 cigars each, is to ever be sold. Cigar experts and enthusiasts worldwide, will act quick to secure themselves a piece of this cigar Magica history. To Buy Cuban Cigars, is to own the very best.
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