Holding a box of delectable Cohiba Behike 52 Cigars
Cohiba Behike is one of the finest cigars for sale online. It's the cream of the crop, a cigar line that every cigar smoker should know - Cuban cigars aficionado or not. Since Cohiba Behike was launched in 2010, the line has become extremely coveted and highly sought-after. Almost daily, we receive emails requesting a Cohiba Behike, whether a Cohiba Behike 52 Cigar, Cohiba Behike 54 Cigar or a Cohiba Behike 56, it’ll always be one of the three.
THE MOST OPULENT - Habanos S.A released a press statement in 2010, claiming that the cigars were going to become ‘the new line that will set a new standard among smokers worldwide for its exclusive limited production’. They certainly weren't wrong. Designed to take over as the most luxurious cigar in the world, the exclusive Behike range uses first-rate Cuban tobacco with the exceedingly rare Medio Tiempo leaf.
LIMITED TIEMPO LEAF - For approximately 50 years, many tobacco plantation growers used Medio Tiempo leaves for their personal consumption. Before then, the leaves were used in commercial cigars. It is only as of late, that Habanos SA has discovered how special these hard to source leaves are - the qualities and traits that they possess. This is when in 2010, they began including in Cohiba Behike Cigars.
LEAF BENEFITS - Medio Tiempo are at the top of a plant and therefore grown closest to the sun. This provides an oiliness and aromatic scent which brings strong flavour and character to a smoke. Because they are hard to collect - the amount of the leaves depends on crop and season, Cohiba Behike Cigars are produced yearly in limited quantity.
A DELICATE HARVEST - Due to the placement at the very top, the rate of the leaf growth depends on environment. Rain can be hugely detrimental. As a fragile leaf, it takes a very experienced farmer to harvest Medio Tiempo correctly.
UNCOVERING SCIENCE -The recent director of Cuba’s Institute of Tobacco Research, Dr Eumelio Espino, claims that the structure of the medio tiempo gives the leaf a more concentrated flavour and higher nicotine levels. Espino also explains that because the leaf itself is thicker, it is able to withstand longer fermentation processes. Therefore, unlike the ligero leaf, which ferments for only ninety days, the Medio Tiempo leaf undergoes up to one hundred and twenty days and is then aged for two years.
TOBACCO PLANTATIONS - The Cohiba Behike range is produced in a limited quantity every year at the El Laguito Factory, in Havana and uses only the finest leaves sourced in the world famous and world class plantations of San Juan y Martínez and San Luis.
BEHIKE 52 - Perhaps one of the most popular of all the range. As is suggested by the cigar’s name, it has an exquisite ring gauge of 52 and it is 119mm long, known as a Laguito No.4. Many reviewers, bloggers and general cigar enthusiasts rave about this cigar. It utilises all of the senses and gives the smoker a sensory overload without being overtly strong. It’s creamy and smooth profile endures every third of the cigar while giving rise to other complex flavours, such as wood, earth and coffee. This cigar was selected by the bi-monthly cigar magazine Cigar Aficionado as its Cigar of The Year in 2010 and has since been featured in the list many times.
BEHIKE 54 - Slightly larger than its sibling, it measures at 144mm in length by a 54 ring gauge, which is known as a Robustos extra and particularly popular today. The Cohiba Behike 54 cigar is significantly spicy, with plenty of cedar, earth and hay. It’s known to have one of the most wonderful combinations of flavours that delivers spicy and creaminess all at once. This gorgeous cigar gives around one hour and forty-five minutes of smoking pleasure. Definitely worth the price tag!
BEHIKE 56 - Last, but definitely not least is the Cohiba Behike 56. This cigar is the biggest of all three, with a Laguito No. 6 vitola which is handmade and measures 166mm in length by, you guessed it, a ring gauge of 56. This cigar, like the others in the line, has been hand-rolled using Volado, Seco and Ligero leaves as well the rare Medio Tiempo leaves. This is the ultimate, exclusive and premium cigar and one that has to be tried at least once.
CIGAR BAND UPDATE - In 2014, these Cuban cigars became even more premium, (if that were even possible) when they updated their band with an exclusive hologram. This new feature increases the traceability possibilities and security feature detection of the band. Not only that, but it looks fantastic too!
A BAD SPELL - In 2015, Cohiba Behikes were taken off the shelves and were unavailable for purchase for a whooping 18 month period, leaving many enthusiasts downcast and crestfallen without their favourite cigars. Fortunately the line returned to shelves late 2016 and smokers rejoiced.
INSIDE INFORMATION - We recently had an indescribably momentous trip Inside El Laguito: The Home of Cohiba Cigars, where we told inside knowledge about the Behike production. Contrary to popular belief, the production capacity for the line is much higher than what the output is. In fact, an El Laguito Factory functionary told us that the Medio Tiempo is not in shortage at all, but the scarcity of an adequate wrapper is what holds back production. As is common knowledge, Cohiba Cigars use only the thinnest, brightest and most elegant wrapper leaves to make Behikes, therefore many capas simply don’t make it through the strict and selective process. Only the best for the best we say!
Which Cohiba Behike is your favourite and why? Does the range live up to expectations, or are there other Cuban Cigars online you prefer?