Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

the dos and don'ts when flying with cigars EGM Cigars

The Dos and Don’ts When Flying with Cigars

For avid cigar aficionados, habanos are an integral part of their lives, following them anywhere they go. From their office and work environment to special occasions and holiday trips, Cuban...

celebrating st patrick's day with cigars EGM Cigars

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with Cuban Cigars

Undoubtedly the most popular religious and cultural celebration to ever come from Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day pays tribute to, no other, but Saint Patrick, the Romano British missionary who travelled...

where to smoke top 3 airport cigar lounges

Where to Smoke: Top 3 Airport Cigar Lounges

Our newest addition to our Where to smoke editorials, where we provide an inside guide to the most opulent rooms, gardens, and terraces to puff on Cuban Cigars Online, takes...

Vinatge cuban cigars why age matters EGM Cigars

Vintage Cigars: Why Age Matters

Regardless the industry, vintage products are distinguished for not just their timelessness but, also, for the unique characteristics that they develop over time. In a similar way, Cuban Cigars aged for...

Cuban cigars and sports and ongoing affair Michael Jordan EGM Cigars

Cuban Cigars and Sports: An Ongoing Affair

Sports have always been synonymous with discipline and healthy lifestyle. Acclaimed athletes and famous sports stars are responsible for maintaining an excellent physical and mental condition, renouncing all habits that...