Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

Choosing a Cigar Humidor: Things to Consider

Choosing a Cigar Humidor: Things to Consider

As all you cigar connoisseurs know, humidors are a must-have when it comes to storing Cuban Cigars - they allow your stogies to remain fresh, while also supporting the natural...

Why do we Celebrate with Cigars? EGM

Why do we Celebrate with Cigars?

Cuban cigars have been made a worldwide phenomenon for centuries. Since then cigars have been integrated into Western culture as a symbol of celebration and victory. From weddings and the birth...

Beginners Guide to Selecting Your First Cigar. EGM

Beginners Guide to Selecting Your First Cigar

Here’s one for our friends who are at the very beginning of their Cuban cigars journey – you have one hell of an exciting road ahead of you! We know that when...

What are Culebras Cigars and How Do You Smoke Them?

What are Culebras Cigars and How Do You Smoke Them?

Partagas Culebras (Image Source: CutLightSmoke)   Possibly one of the most unique, oddly-shaped Cuban Cigars in the market - the culebras. When you think of ordinary cigars, you will immediately...

Vegueros Cigars: A Taste of Cuba.egm

Vegueros Cigars: A Taste of Cuba

Here at EGM Cigars, we provide our beloved aficionados with an extensive range of Cuban cigars. Whether you’re looking for thin or thick, strong or light cigars for sale online – we have something...

Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 Reserva Cosecha Cigar - EGM Cigars

Ash from Cuban Cigars: Essential Tips to know

 QUALITY TOBACCO LEAVES. GOOD CONSTRUCTION. MINERAL RICH SOIL The ash from Cuban Cigars can reveal many facets. Here we explain what to inspect and why the ash is crucial, so...