Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

Aladino Cigars and the Eiroas

Aladino Cigars and the Eiroas

Aladino cigars are crafted in Honduras, where the Eiroa family have most of their farms and factories.  All of the sticks in their 7 collections are Honduran puros, with some sporting...

EGM Cigars Launch Spotify Playlists!

EGM Cigars Launch Spotify Playlists!

EGM Cigars launch their Spotify channel with a series of playlists perfect for smoking occasions and scenes. Take a look at the August playlists here.

The Tale of the Tiburon

The Tale of the Tiburon

The EGM Tiburones had already travelled the world even before its release. Its origins are Cuban and Dominican, it launched in the Middle East, the campaign was filmed in Florence and London, and it...

Bleco & The Mythical Inspiration Behind Our Cigar

Bleco & The Mythical Inspiration Behind Our Cigar

EGM Blecos are our way of paying homage to the city of Havana. The term 'Bleco' is the name locals affectionately give to the Malecón—the picturesque esplanade that stretches along the coast...