Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

The Cuaba Exclusivos Cuban cigar at EGM Cigars.

Cuaba Exclusivos Cigar Review

by Nick Hendry There once was a time, in the late 19th century, when Cuban Cigars were of a vastly different appearance to the majority seen in our humidors and...

In good company feature image

In Good Company

By Rikesh Chauhan Photography by Luke Alland   It’s the end of another long day of working from home. I quickly freshen up and head out of the flat, eyes...

La Guarida -  the finest restaurant in Havana

La Guarida - the finest restaurant in Havana

by Nick HendryPhotography by Monica MoltoModel: Jhayna Duarte There is no question that Cuban Cigars are the pinnacle of tobacco craft, but they are by no means the only area...