There are some moments in life that simply deserve a good Cuban cigar to commemorate them. A graduation, a new job, actually making money from an NFT, and so on. One occasion, however, that...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Where exactly do we refer to when we say 'New World' tobacco? Nick Hendry looks at a few of the best tobacco-growing nations outside of Cuba.
We hear so much these days about the rising cost of Havana cigars, but we forget that sometimes a splurge is good for the soul. Here we have a round-up...
Small cigars which don't require the time commitment of a robusto are needed in any aficionado's collection. Nick Hendry takes a look at the Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du...
Summer has arrived, so let's check out some of the most luxurious beaches in the world on which to enjoy a smoke. Better grab your passport...
I'm not sure about you, but the thought of finally going abroad — and to a resort getaway at that — had me buzzing with excitement for months beforehand. The...