The key difference between thinner and thicker cigars is the ratio of the wrapper leaf in comparison to the binder and filler. Many cigar experts believe that the wrapper contributes about 60-80% of the overall flavour of the cigar, which is quite a hefty contribution to the smoking experience. Within a thicker cigar, there is less wrapper to smoke and more binder and filler - making the taste of the wrapper a bit washed out. Furthermore, when it comes to thinner cigars, they burn a lot quicker, making it the perfect cigar to smoke for short occasions.
A box of Romeo y Julieta Belvederes
The Romeo y Julieta Belvederes Cigar is one of the lighter smokes by Romeo y Julieta. Measuring at just 125mm in length by a 39 ring gauge, it makes for the ideal smoke as an aperitif or after lunch. This Cuban cigar is different from the brand's usual medium-bodied smokes. Its lighter strength is great for those who are just starting out in cigar smoking.
A box of Romeo y Julieta Regalias de Londres
Another great thin smoke from Romeo y Julieta is the Regalias de Londres. This cigar sports the unique Mareva vitola measuring 129mm by 42 ring gauge. A slimmer silhouette provides a quick smoke for connoisseurs, as well as well-developed nutty and floral notes.
A box of El Rey del Mundo Demi Tasse
The El Rey del Mundo Demi Tasse is the smallest format in the El Rey del Mundo range. This Demi Tasse is a fine example of how small Cuban Cigars can deliver excellent flavour. Its vitola is called Entreacto (literally: Between Acts), as it was originally conceived as the perfect cigar to be smoked in between Acts at the Theatre. We love it as a morning or an after-lunch cigar, and it comes in a wonderful dressed box of 25 Cuban Cigars. The ideal cigar for those between moments and very similar to the smaller formats seen in other brands, such as the Cohiba Panetelas Cigar.
A box of Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo Du Depute
The Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du Depute Cigar is a unique Cuban cigar that aficionados need in their humidor. The Trabucos vitola measures at 110mm by a smaller 38mm - making this cigar a great smoke for those of you looking for a quick smoke. You can expect delicate fruity, pepper and mineral notes.
A box of Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du Maire
Sticking with Hoyo de Monterrey, the Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du Maire cigar makes the ideal cigar for those of you looking for a quick smoke in between lunchtimes or between meetings. It features an Entreactos vitola - measuring at just 100mm by a 30ring gauge. So, it's one of the smaller Hoyo De Monterrey Cigars. It provides a light-bodied smoke and packs a quick tobacco punch. The box of 25 cigars comes beautifully packaged, bundled and banded by a silk ribbon imprinted with Hoyo de Monterrey's brand name.
A box of Montecristo Joyitas
The Montecristo Joysitas Cigar has earned a spot amongst the best of the smaller Cuban cigars! It’s an ideal smoke for when you are short of time. With a Laguito No.3 vitola – it measures 115mm by a 26 ring gauge. This Montecristo is packed with spicy and earthy flavours, with leathery tones. A medium-full bodied cigar that has a distinctive floral aroma.
A box of Quintero Panetelas
The Quintero Panetelas Cigar is a quintessential Quintero Cigar - providing the ultimate Cuban cigar experience, at an affordable price. Featuring a Vegueritos vitola - it measures 127mm by a 37 ring gauge. These Panetelas are made entirely from short-filler tobacco leaves, from the finest tobacco regions of Cuba. Its smaller size makes it the ideal pairing with a cup of coffee. Providing a medium-bodied smoke, this cigar is full of the typical Cuban cigar flavours.
If you want to stay up-to-date with everything associated with Cuban cigars, check out our Cuban Cigar Blog.