Now that the days are getting longer and (fingers crossed) a little warmer, we can’t help but think of balmy evenings sat outside for hours with one of our finest Cuban cigars. Considering we’ve got such a fantastic collection of cigars for sale which provide some of the most remarkable flavours, we thought it was the perfect time we wrote a post about some of them and what makes them excellent choices for spring and summer weather.
During the winter months, many like to buy shorter and thicker cigars online, such as the Cohiba Robustos Cigar or Romeo y Julieta Short Churchill. On those cold, wet, dark and windy days, it’s completely understandable that the thought of spending an hour or so outside smoking in such miserable weather would discourage you. That’s why many choose to smoke stronger cigars so as to shorten the smoking time, whilst still being able to enjoy the taste and strength of a Cuban cigar.
Now the sun shines more brightly and flowers are beginning to blossom, you can finally imagine stepping outside without a coat and can maybe envision spending a lunchtime where you're not sat at your desk. With that, the mind wanders to enjoying a Cuban cigar during your break and settling in to a well deserved mid-day relaxation and as the days get lighter and longer, it feels right that so should your cigars. Therefore, we’ve picked five of our favourite cigars to smoke during the spring time.
Our Top Five Cigars
1. Rafael Gonzalez Panetelas Extra Cigar
This particular cigar is great for spring or summer as it provides smooth and mild flavours in the perfect Vegueritos vitola.
127mm x 37
2. Por Larrañaga Montecarlo Cigar
The Montecarlo Cigar from Por Larrañaga is a definite choice for those warmer climates and sun-filled days. This is because its flavour profile is light and citrus and its vitola is both slim and long.
159mm x 33
This very reputable cigar is medium flavoured and perfect for smoking in the evening after a long day at work. It will be sure to put a spring in your step.
178mm x 47
We know we said that the longer the better for summer, but we also recognise that when the sun is shining you want to spend your time wisely, partaking in activities and walks for example. Therefore, this shorter but still light cigar will be the perfect accompaniment for summer on the golf course and more.
129mm x 42
Last but definitely not least, we have the Lancero from Cohiba Cuban Cigars. This thin cigar delivers the essence of spring and is the epitome of summer with Cohiba grassy flavours and plenty of floral and herbal notes.
192mm x 39
With summer just around the corner, why not read our post on our Cuban Cigar Blog to find out whether you should be storing them differently in warmer weather: Spotlight: Should I Store My Cigars in a Cool Place?.
Also be sure to follow us on instagram to see what we're smoking and stocking this spring and get in touch via any of our social media channels if you want any more advice.