Smoking Cuban Cigars is a ritual strongly associated with the true gentleman. In particular, men of exceptional elegance, manners, and sophistication were always attracted to the would of habanos. Whether...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
REVOLUTIONARY. NBA LEGEND. CIGARS FANATIC In past blog posts, we have looked at the lives of influencing public figures who, simultaneously, happened to be avid cigar aficionados. From Winston Churchill’s...
ACCLAIMED DIRECTOR. FILM REVOLUTIONIST. A CIGAR ENTHUSIAST Located in Los Angeles - the land of dreams, Hollywood is a place well known amongst rising film stars for its transformative opportunities...
MONUMENTAL. LEGENDARY. CIGARS BIRTHPLACE In the late nineteenth century, Pedro Murias’ La Meridiana factory was one of the largest and most significant manufactures of Habanos in Cuba. Located in the...
HIGHLY PRESTIGIOUS. POLITICALLY INFLUENCED. A SYMBOL OF POWER. Cuban Cigars are widely considered as a symbol of prestige and influence. From strong political figures to contemporary artists, smoking cigars has always been an act of social...
INSPIRATIONAL. PASSIONATE. TRUE CIGAR AFICIONADOS Cuban Cigars and literature always shared a very strong bond – one constantly influencing the course of the other. For the cigars industry, and especially...