by Nick Hendry Juan Lopez is a name that many Cuban cigar lovers may be a touch unfamiliar with. Despite being in operation for around 150 years there are now...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
by Nick Hendry. Hoyo de Monterrey are one of the biggest names in Cuban Cigars. Established over 150 years ago and classified as one of the 6 Global Brands by...
by Nick Hendry The Partagas Culebras is a Cuban Cigar that looks bizarre. There is no way around this; the trio of rustic, misshapen sticks twisted and entwined in a...
Whenever fans of Cuban Cigars look for a smoke with a full flavour and aroma, they more often than not will turn to Partagas. Since 1845 the name Partagas has...
by Nick Hendry There once was a time, in the late 19th century, when Cuban Cigars were of a vastly different appearance to the majority seen in our humidors and...
by Nick Hendry Of all the innovations to be brought to Cuban Cigars by Habanos SA in the last 20 years the Edición Regional series is perhaps the most diverse. With...