After waiting just over two years for this cigar to hit the market since it was presented at the Habanos Festival of 2016, we’re happy to let our readers know that we’ve now got the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 Reserva Cosecha 2012 Cigar for sale amongst other excellent Cuban cigars online.
Cuban Cigars are thought of as a luxury item, both because of its price and its premium qualities. Therefore, it’s no wonder that many cigars online are sold for such incredibly high prices and if you’re hoping to get your hands on some of the most first-rate and vintage smokes then you’d better be ready to pay a whole lot more.
All of the Limited Edition Cuban Cigars on our website have their own distinctive values but the Hoyo de Monterrey is one extra special cigar- a gourmet delicacy. This cigar is the latest in the Reserva series to hit the market and has been hand-rolled using tobaccos which have undergone an ageing process of a minimum of three years. This particular cigar uses tobacco from only one crop harvested in year 2012, which has developed its flavours and profile in unparalleled ways. This Reserva is going to be a very popular cigar because of its respected Robusto vitola, which measures at 124mm by a perfect 50 ring gauge.
The packaging of the Reserva Series in unsurpassable with its black lacquer finish and hinged box.
Habanos S.A. first introduced the Reserva Series back in 2003 with the initial release of the Cohiba Seleccion Reserva – a beautiful box of 30 cigars made using tobaccos harvested in 1999. Since then it has seen the release of a number of much loved cigars, including the Montecristo No.2 Reserva Cosecha 2002 and the H. Upmann No.2 Reserva Cosecha 2010 Cigar.
Other than the unique aged tobacco, there are a couple of other things that set the Reservas apart from the rest. First and foremost, when you buy Cuban cigars as these, you’ll receive them in a hinged solid wood box, which is finished with a stunning and classic black lacquer finish; very much like the equally adored and beautifully packaged Cohiba Behike.
Secondly, the bands on every cigar in the Reserva series makes them stand out compared to many others. The silver-and-black design is incredibly stylish and eye-catching. Furthermore, this Reserva distinguishes itself from the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 Cigar in its Regular Production by combining both the Hoyo de Monterrey band and the Epicure No.2 band giving it a very distinctive and grand appearance.
The Hoyo de Monterrey band is red, white and gold giving it a very distinctive look, enhanced by the regal crown above the plaque.
With only 5,000 boxes of these incredible cigars released, these will be quickly picked up by cigar aficionados worldwide and true enthusiasts of the brand.