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Cuban Cigars’ Relationship with Handmade Hats

If you read our blog fanatically, you should know by now that Cuban Cigars are beyond just smokes. They are an experience, linked directly with the worlds of craftsmanship, lifestyle, and opulence. An item of equally exquisite workmanship and artistry and a product synonymous with sartorial style, hats have been strongly associated with the habanos industry for decades. From popular cigar smokers to habanos experts, hats constitute the fashion piece that defines the style of many cigar aficionados. Taking into consideration the popularity of this particular item within the cigar world, in today’s post, we take a look at the relationship between Cuban cigars and hats, exploring all the possible ways that these two intertwine.

STYLE – There is no doubt that cigars are capable of producing distinctive aromas and unique flavours, captivating even the hardest to please cigar smokers out there. However, habanos are more than just a product meant to be enjoyed only for its smoke and flavoured profile; more than just part of the puffing ritual. Cuban Cigars Online are products that vibrate refinement, high class, and, of course, style. From their well-balanced proportions to their simple yet astonishing formats, cigars elevate the overall dynamic of an aficionado’s outfit. Dressed in a gorgeous red and gold LCDH Editions band, the H.Upmann Royal Robusto Cigar is known for producing large amounts of smoke, proof of the good care and effort that has been put into its construction. Coming in an Edmundo vitola that measures at 135 mm by a ring gauge of 52, the H.Upmann Royal Robusto Cigar delivers a strong flavoured profile, providing the smoker with a full-bodied smoking experience.

cuban cigars and handmade hats EGM Cigars

Left: Lighting a large habano in a straw hat, Right: Cubans smoking their cigars while wearing their traditional turbans, headpieces, and hats.


CRAFTSMANSHIP – It takes a lot of hard work, concentration, and the usage of high-quality materials to produce a fine habano. That’s why Cuban cigars are considered as products of exquisite craftsmanship. Nevertheless, excellent craftsmanship is key in many more industries, including the ones associated with fashion and sartorial style. Tailored details, sharp cuts, and the use of high-quality materials are these principals that manage to connect habanos with the world of fashion and style. However, there is a fashion piece that requires some extra care and attention when it comes into its construction, and that product is the hat. From working with top of the line materials to properly steaming and hand blocking each piece, hats constitute a much-favoured item amongst cigar aficionados due to the large amount of work, attention to detail, and concentration that is required for their construction - similar to the manufacturing process of hand-rolling a puro. The Cohiba Exquisitos Cigar encapsulates all the hard work that goes behind a handmade product. Featuring a Seoane vitola, this habano measures t 125 mm long by a ring gauge of 33 and delivers plenty of medium to full strength aromas, characteristic of Cohiba Cigars.

BOWLER HAT AND CIGARS – For every cigar aficionado, choosing a hat is a matter of personal taste. From the comfort factor and material to the style and overall colour palette, each smoker is attracted to a different type of a hat. However, looking back at popular cigar aficionados and their hat choices, a very clear pattern appears. Many avid cigar smokers seem to have a weak spot for the British Bowler Hat. Historic political figure and avid cigar aficionado, Winston Churchill has been one of them. Churchill was rarely ever seen without a hat which in most cases was in a Bowler style. In fact, the British prime minister is widely popular to this day for his habano preferences - the Romeo y Julieta Churchills Cigar -  as much as his characteristic black bowler hat. In similar aesthetics, director and filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock was also a big fan of both cigars and hats. Particularly, Bowler hats were his signature piece as all of the director’s public appearances were accompanied by his bowler hat alongside his favourite Montecristo Cigars.

winston churchill and alfred hitchcock bolwer hats EGM Cigars

Top Left: Winston Churchill wearing his favourite hat, Top Right: Director Alfred Hitchcock smoking a cigar in his Bowler hat in London, Bottom: Winston Churchill wearing a Homburg hat.


MODERN DAY - Contemporary cigar aficionados seem to share the same passion for the world of handmade hats since more and more modern-day cigar smokers enrich their outfits with a hat. From traditionally handmade Panama hat to sharp-looking Fedoras, contemporary cigar aficionados style up their hats with great imagination and creativity. Nonetheless, cigars and hats have crossed paths for political and sociological reasons too. Having been considered as items strongly associated with masculinity and male authority, cigars and hats serve as means of contemporary feminist movements. From pop culture icons to female cigar aficionados, hats paired with a habanos have been a winning combination for many female cigar smokers in their attempt to challenge the stereotypical views of masculinity and femininity.

As we have discussed above, hats and Cuban cigars have been going hand in hand for many decades. From contemporary cigar aficionados to feminist cigar smokers, hats constitute the perfect company to any from our Cuban Cigars for Sale Online. Check out more posts from our Cuban Cigar Blog and learn everything there is to know about the Cuban cigars industry:

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